Wildlife Designs Taxidermy
David Williamson, owner of Wildlife Designs Taxidermy, wanted to create a Humans of New York (HONY) style photography project with the taxidermy community in Texas. The aim of the project was to help show his clients, and others curious about his trade, the different people and processes that are a part of the industry, as well as the varied perspectives on animal and land conservation. An image from the project was featured in the Texas Observer's column, Eye on Texas.
“I think people who are involved in taxidermy look at animals in a different way. As much as I love them and love them alive. Of course, that goes without saying. I adore them, but at the same time I can look at a dead animal and still love it just as much in a different way. As morbid as it sounds.” - RACHEL, Owner of Weird City Taxidermy. Austin, TX
"A lot of people think that hunting is cruel and mean and it’s absolutely far from it. Hunters are very humane. They’re normally the best animal lovers. You find a guy that’s a bird hunter. His dog is taken care of better than probably some guys take care of their wives.” - LUIS, Hydro Dipper. Austin, TX
“It’s always felt natural. There’s more to it on a whole different level. I have an uncle who passed away when he was 21-years-old, but he was a bird taxidermist. In the room that he passed away in, I spent a lot of time in as a child. And soon after that, I became a bird taxidermist. It was really creepy almost, it was almost like a passing of the torch on a spiritual level. It was really, really bizarre. I know there’s something going on, all the way down to the level that I’ve had dreams that weren’t mine. I feel like I’ve had my uncle’s dreams.” - CHRIS, Bird Taxidermist. Kerrville, TX
“I’m a people person more than anything. I could probably be making thousands and thousands of dollars but I don’t because I give stuff away. It’s what intrigues me. It’s never the same everyday. You’re meeting new people all the time. You’re making people happy.” - NEAL, Hide Tanner. Kerrville, TX
NEALl, Hide Tanner. Kerrville, TX
“Every artist creates their own things. I like creating my own food sources. I can create different sausages that aren’t out there, different smoked meats, and different spices I think people would like. If I like it, I like to share it with other people.” CHARLES, Fourth Generation Butcher. Austin, TX
“Taxidermy was the closest thing I could get to hunting and fishing when I was about 19 years-old. I just enjoyed putting animals back together and making it look close to what it did when it was alive.” - JET, Mannikin Maker. Kerrville, TX
“We try and duplicate what the Lord’s done. Do the best you can to get it close. It’s never perfect, but it’s close.” - JET, Mannikin Maker. Kerrville, TX
TAYLOR, Hydro Dipper. Kerville, TX
“I’m not a trophy hunter. I hunt for meat. I want the tender piece of meat, not the one with the horns, cause I’m not gonna eat the horns. I’m not against people who hunt for horns by any means or people that want to hang it up.” - LEE, Woodworker. Burnet, Texas
“I think a lot of people don’t see that taxidermists love the animals. And they would love live ones as well. And I think a lot of them are avid fishermen and hunters, but also, they’ll go out in the morning just to listen to the birds and to watch the deer walk across the field.” - LOTUS, Payer Eyes. Dripping Springs, TX